I have divided it into two-parts
1. Role access [ sp_addsrvrolemember & sp_dropsrvrolemember ]
2. Grant/Deny access [ GRANT .. & DENY .. ]
1. Role access: this SQL will show the SQL command of Add/Remove user to this role. So that you can use any to add/ or remove
select prm.name as "UserName",
prr.name as
'exec sp_addsrvrolemember '''+prm.name+''','''+prr.name+'''' as
'exec sp_dropsrvrolemember '''+prm.name+''','''+prr.name+'''' as
from sys.server_role_members srm
left join sys.server_principals AS prm on prm.principal_id = srm.member_principal_id
left join sys.server_principals AS prr on prr.principal_id = srm.role_principal_id
The output of this SQL would be like below
Role Access |
2. Grant/Deny access: using below SQL, we can retrieve the user list with the access name. I have also prepared the GRANT/DENY command to use when required.
select pr.name as "UserName",
sp.permission_name, sp.state_desc,
SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS+' '
+sp.permission_name collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS+' TO '
+QUOTENAME( pr.name collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS) as
from sys.server_permissions sp
left join sys.server_principals AS pr
on pr.principal_id = sp.grantee_principal_id
where pr.name not in ('public','sa','NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM')
and pr.name not like '##%##'
and sp.permission_name not in ('CONNECT
The output of this SQL would be like below:
Grant / Deny Access |